Joseph Pederson, PhD
Samford University
Associate Professor and Sport Administration Program Coordinator
School of Health Professions
Department of Kinesiology
2G32 CHS Building 2
Degrees and Certifications
- PhD, sport management, Texas A&M University
- MS, sport management, Texas A&M University
- BA, communication studies, University of Northern Colorado
- Radio Production Certificate, Aims Community College
- Sport marketing and communication, sport sponsorship, social media
Awards and Honors
- SMQ Best Sport Marketing Paper, American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference, 2015
- Hodge, C., Pederson, J., & Walker, M. (in press). How do you “like” my style? Examining how communication style influences Facbook behaviors. International Journal of Sport Communication.
- Pederson, J. (2013). New media. In G. Bennett & K. Ballouli (Eds.), International Sport Business. College Station, TX: Center for Sport Management Research and Education.
- Wakefield, L., Bennett, G., & Pederson, J. (August, 2015). Sport sponsorship 2.0: Virtual fan communities offer valuable sponsorships. Presented at the American Marketing Association 2015 Summer Educators Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
- Pederson, J., Lobpries, J., Bennett, G., & Wakefield, L. (March, 2015). #WCWS: Examining Twitter conversations surrounding a major college sporting event. Presented at the IACS Summit on Communication and Sport in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Pederson, J., Bennett, G., & Wakefiled, L. (March, 2015). Follow the tweeter: Analyzing sport teams’ brand communication on Twitter. Presented at the IACS Summit on Sport and Communication in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Pederson, J., Hodge, C., & Walker, M. (October, 2014). How do you “like” my style? An examination of communication style and its impact on Facebook usage behaviors. Presented at the Sport Marketing Association national conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Wakefield, L., Pederson, J., & Bennett, G. (October, 2014). Getting up a full head of “esteem” in sponsorship. Presented at the Sport marketing Association national conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Digital media, relationship marketing, consumer-brand engagement
- North American Society for Sport Management
- Sport Marketing Association
- International Association for Communication and Sport