Prayer is a fundamental part of the believer's life. At Beeson, praying is central to us as individuals and as a community. The staff and faculty pray for every incoming student, professors pray for their students and most classes begin with prayer. As Scripture tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phil 4:6).

This Week in Prayer

This Week in Prayer is an organized way to pray for each member of our Beeson community. Each week, a new prayer sheet is made available in the Happenings, our Beeson email newsletter. Simply click on the link in the Announcement and News Section.

The Prayer Room

At Beeson, we are committed to honoring God and serving others by offering a dedicated space for prayer. The Prayer Room is located on the north side, in room N224. Individuals can reserve time to commune with God and pray for others. Additionally, you can utilize the sign-up sheet outside the Prayer Room to schedule weekly prayer times.

The Prayer Team

The Beeson Prayer Team was born out of the Prayer Room ministry. By merging technology with prayer, the Prayer Team prays for the community within and beyond the divinity school. As intercessors, our goal is to honor God and serve others by praying for the needs of our community.

Each semester, the Prayer Team prays specifically for every member of the Beeson community. Each week, the Student Prayer Coordinator emails individual members of the Beeson community, asking for their personal requests and praises. These requests are then compiled and emailed to the Prayer Team members, who personally pray over each one. All prayer requests are kept strictly confidential, and every member of the Prayer Team signs a covenant promising to maintain this confidentiality.

Furthermore, if you have any questions or concerns or want to learn more about joining the Prayer Team, please contact us at

The Prayer Worship Service

At the beginning of each semester, the Student Prayer Coordinator organizes a Prayer Worship Service in Hodges Chapel. This service includes congregational singing, meditation on Scripture and praying for our community, with a special emphasis on our incoming students.

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests for the Prayer Team can be submitted at any time by emailing