Services For Holy Week

This module is a series of services for Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Use these resources and sample worship orders as you guide worshipers to walk alongside Jesus in his final week, culminating in the resurrection celebration.

Palm Sunday

This service is for Palm Sunday and centers on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Although Jesus triumphantly entered to crowds crying, “Hosanna!” he did not come as was expected. Use these resources to create a worship service for this day, or follow the plans provided.


Maundy Thursday

This service is based on Jesus’ final meal with his disciples, where he washed the disciples feet—even disciples he knew would soon betray him. The name “Maundy” comes from the Latin word, mandatum, meaning, commandment. On this day, we are commanded to love one another, just as Christ has loved us. Here are some materials to help you guide your own Maundy Thursday service.


Good Friday

On Good Friday, we remember the suffering Jesus faced in his crucifixion and death. Through the reading of scripture and the gradual extinguishing of candles throughout the service, worshipers are invited to contemplate the significance of Jesus’ death. Here are some resources for the day, as well as a sample worship order.


Easter Sunday

On Easter we proclaim the resurrection of our Lord. Our journey culminates in a celebration of life renewed that Jesus brings to us and our world. Use these resources to support your Resurrection Sunday celebration.
