Anglican Frontier Missions
Our vision is to do frontier missions Anglicanly by planting biblically-based, multiplying, indigenous churches and dioceses where the church is not yet established, among the 3 billion people and 7,000 unreached people groups still waiting to hear the gospel for the very first time. Partnering with members of the worldwide Anglican Communion and other Christians who live near or among unreached peoples, AFM equips and sends short- and long-term missionaries who harness the spiritually formational power, practices, and rhythms of the sacraments, liturgy, and church tradition to disciple believers from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, animistic, and secular backgrounds. Anglicans and all Christians are welcome to join us!
Angie Schlossberg
Throughout history, God has chosen to accomplish His purposes through people. Though He doesn’t need us to accomplish those purposes, our Lord continually creates access for us to serve Him and invites us to participate in what He is doing. In Christar, we respond to this invitation by ministering using the gifts and skills He’s given us among people with little or no opportunity to experience the gospel, seeking to bring both tangible and eternal spiritual blessing in least-reached communities. We serve among the least-reached Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, refugees and the Deaf around the globe. Our workers are currently ministering in Central Asia, Europe, the Far East, the Middle East, North and West Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Andrew Broeckelman
E3 Partners
At E3 our vision is to see a church accessible to every person. Our mission is to EQUIP God’s people to EVANGELIZE His world by ESTABLISHING healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere.
Anne Lucas
East-West Ministries International
The vision of East-West is to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. East-West exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or restricted access communities. East-West has opportunities for students to serve ranging from home office summer intern, overseas intern, overseas missionary team member with various lengths of term and short term mission trips.
Don McKenna
Frontier USA
With love and respect, Frontiers is inviting all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus. We seek to fulfill the Great Commission by recruiting, training, and sending church planting teams to make disciples in the least-reached places of the Muslim world. Our workers serve in many ways from entrepreneurial businesses to medical work to community development, but in every way in which we serve we are seeking to make disciples who make reproducing disciples.
David O
We believe the world needs a new kind of missionary—and 20-somethings are uniquely positioned to fill the gap. So we remove barriers for recent college graduates to serve globally for two years using their passions and degrees by connecting 20-somethings with strategic long-term projects and mobilizing others to support them in their efforts.
Luke Higdon
Greater Europe Mission
Our mission is to reach Europe by multiplying disciples and growing Christ's church. There are short term, internship, and full time opportunities to use your gifts in evangelism, discipleship, camp ministry, teaching, music, serving refugees, and more all to see God's kingdom expanding through the peoples of Europe to the world.
Nathan Mell
International Ministry of Jesus Ecuador
We bring teams down to work alongside our special needs ministry, Bible study and training, medical work, and soccer ministry in Ecuador. We host physical therapy students who work with their professors in rural villages to offer therapy exercises and recommendations for the people of that area. Last year, Samford brought an inter-disciplinarian team with PT, OT and speech therapy students. We also have hosted Samford's soccer team for a trip working alongside our soccer ministry in the villages. We hosted VBS using the game of soccer as a tool to gather the kids. This is an option for future teams, even if you aren't a good soccer player. God will use whatever gifts or interests he has given you for His glory as you commit to coming on a team and serving Him. This year we will need: Soccer/VBS teams, Medical/PT/OT/Speech teams, Pastor training and discipleship teams, and more. Please consider joining us or forming a team for a trip of a lifetime in the beautiful cloud forests of Ecuador! It will change your view of yourself, God, and His ability to use you in His work.
Anne-Marie Touliatos
International Mission Board
For 175 years the International Mission Board (IMB) has sought to take the Gospel of Jesus to the nations together. We believe that we can do more together and know that we need students to be part of our global teams. The IMB is the largest global missions agency that utilizes and sends the most students to serve around the world. It is our desire to see students use who they are and the unique abilities they have to reach the nations! We have endless opportunities to go for whatever time you have: week-long, short, summer, and semester through IMB Students. There are still many unreached and unengaged peoples around the world. We need your gifts, talents, passions, creativity, and majors globally to bring the gospel to the nations! Join us as we go to every nation and every people group! Are you willing to say, 'Send me?'
Sarah Farley
International Project
Many Christians feel stalled in their pursuit of the Great Commission, so we offer innovative opportunities and training to maximize your impact as a disciple-maker to the nations. God has orchestrated migration for His purposes, so we work in global cities like New York and Rome to reach unreached people groups and start movements around the world. You can be a part of that and gain practical, hands-on ministry experience through our week-long trips, our internships, or even joining us long-term. The simple evangelistic and discipleship tools that you'll learn will be reproducible wherever you go.
Alissa Hackelton
Mission to the World
MTW sends nearly 700 Christian workers to 97 countries all over the world who are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church. All that we do flows into, rests within, or flows out of the local church. For example, establishing a new church might require people who can teach national leaders, or evangelize through sports ministry, or provide a local medical clinic. These ways of serving can reach and equip future leaders and build connections in the community. Serving within the church would be church planters, assistant pastors, disciplers, teachers, and others who directly support the growth and maturity of the church. Flowing out of a healthy, growing church will be ministries that transform the community and continue to draw others to the gospel message, such as teaching English, caring for orphans, art and music outreach, or serving refugees. We have an urgent and ongoing need for church planters; but even if you’re not an ordained minister, you can serve in church planting in a myriad of ways—in as many ways as God has gifted you.
Betsy Morris
Nehemiah Teams
Nehemiah Teams (NT) is an 8-week summer mission opportunity for students ages 17-29 which strategically involves them in cross-cultural missions among unreached people groups. As a program of the International Mission Board (IMB), NT partners with IMB personnel and other global Christians, connecting with state conventions, local Southern Baptist associations and churches to reach the unreached and hard to reach. Our Vision is to lead students to finish the Great Commission in this generation.
Joel Angel
Network of International Christian Schools
NICS longs to reach the world for Christ through international Christian education. If you are a teacher looking to share the gospel in K-12, English speaking classrooms around the world, come see us! We are seeking certified educators who are missions minded. Contact us!
Gari Smith
One Mission Students
Have you ever asked yourself that question? The answer to that question just may change everything. Your life may never be the same. Most of us walk through life with no purpose, no goal, nothing bigger than us to strive for or head toward. Real living is this: having one mission and giving your life to its fulfillment. As a follower of Jesus Christ your one mission is clear: The Great Commission—Go and Make Disciples! One Mission Students seeks to encourage Alabama college students to discover this one mission, mobilize them to live out this mission among the nations, and help them consider how this one mission impacts the rest of their life.
Chris Mills
Pioneers goes to the ends of the earth. The unreached include nearly 7,000 unique ethnic groups, scattered throughout the world’s megacities, mountain villages, and desert communities. In response to this need, more than 3,000 Pioneers are building relationships, making disciples, and planting churches among these people groups. Whether developing businesses, teaching English, providing health care, or pursuing myriad other pathways, we are committed to finding creative ways to engage those with the least access to the Good News. Let’s do this together. From helping you to discern which of our 300+ teams to join to providing care for you and your family on the field, Pioneers will walk alongside you in your journey to the nations. You do not have to have it all figured out. Just take the first step. Fill out our Start Form today at
Tom King
Reel Life International
Reel Life International works alongside the local church to engage the people of God in the mission of God for the glory of God. Serving through international missionary and church field partners in settings around the world, we mobilize people and resources to share the love of Christ with those facing extreme physical and spiritual need through short term mission teams with a goal for long term impact. Facilitating custom short-term mission trips for churches, schools, businesses, and families, we assist individuals in putting their faith into practice. Join us as we support and encourage the local church through sustainable, gospel-centered projects in areas such as education, medical assistance, clean water initiatives, adequate housing, orphan care, evangelism and church planting.
Jeremy Griem
Royal Servants
We are a missions organization with an intentional focus on discipleship and preparing those who come with us to come home and live out their faith and serve for a lifetime- at home or wherever God takes them. We offer college students an opportunity to be a part of our leadership on one of our teams in which they will also get leadership training, so it does not matter at what level you feel you are at in your spiritual walk or leadership abilities we want to come along side you and help you get to the next level while serving Christ at the same time. We will also focus on relational ministry and learning to overcome the fears of doing it. We have done internships for college students with majors in youth ministry, finances, missions, medical, sports ministry, event planning, church administration and more. Our trips will run from approximately June 11 or 18 till July 31 or August 7 to locations around the world from Asia, Europe, Africa, South and Central America.
Score International
We are a traditional sending agency with career missionaries that serve in roles such as church planting, orphan care, sports ministry, anti-human trafficking, clean water projects, and medical missions. We also specialize in short-term mission trips for groups of all sizes. SCORE hosts over 5,500 people annually on mission trips with groups coming from schools, churches, athletic teams, construction crews, and more. SCORE partners the short-term mission groups with the long-term, sustainable ministries in each location to create a win-win scenario for the Kingdom!
Trey Bailey
At Serge, we believe the motive and power for mission is the gospel of grace at work in the life of a believer. We serve in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Here are 3 reasons to serve with us! 1.) Gospel-Centered Ministry and Life: We believe we need the gospel everyday as much as those we are trying to reach because the gospel applies to our entire life, not just conversion. 2.) Proactive Member Care: No one says missionary life is easy. Serge's Missionary Care Team comes alongside each one of our missionaries — providing personal, hands-on missionary member care for your entire length of service. 3.) Help as you discern God's vision for your life and ministry: Serge desires to walk alongside you as you consider how God is at work in your life. From short-term trips to long-term missions, we want to see the power of Jesus’s love and grace move through you into the lives of others, particularly those who do not yet know him.
Jennifer H.
Sozo Children
Joining us on a trip will give you the opportunity to experience all the work Sozo Children is a part of in Uganda. This trip is designed for you to experience not only the amazing work God is doing in Uganda but also to grow in your relationship with Him throughout the week! Sozo Children provides care for over 120 children in our own village of family-style homes that was created for them, including Ugandan mothers and fathers, and a vision to disciple them into the next generation of Christian leaders. Sozo is a Greek word that means to save, to keep safe, and to rescue from harm. Through a continuum of care provided by a team of Ugandan care-givers, the children of Sozo are loved, nurtured, and equipped with proper nutrition, healthcare, quality education, spiritual development and life skills to impact positive change in their communities and Ugandan society.
Terry Schrimscher
United World Mission
Many non-Western schools welcome missional scholars who will cross cultural boundaries and work out their calling with both humility and expertise alongside their local faculty. UWM’s Theological Education Initiative (TEI) recruits, deploys, mentors, and develops such missional scholars. If you are seeking a pathway for serving in theological education cross-culturally, TEI may be the family that awaits you!
We work with partner theological communities in Africa, Asia, Euro-Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Imagine how God might employ your carefully honed vocation beyond the well-trodden path. Daring to cross boundaries like these will bend but not break you. Texts find new contexts. Ancient truths become refracted through churches that are just awakening to their robust vocation. The making of keen-eyed disciples who will revel in your exegesis while they teach you to pray becomes your daily thing. The daughters and sons of your new home will teach you ways and rhythms that, in time, you will love. Now that is legacy!
Kelly Sartorius
WEC International
One in three people won’t hear the good news...ever...unless you help! God’s Passion is Our Passion. Is it Yours? The Good News is about how God has made a way to make things right through Jesus! WEC’s objectives are to share that good news around the world (Reaching People), help gather new believers into churches (Planting Churches) and help churches at home and abroad raise up more workers to fulfill God’s passion (Mobilizing for Missions). This involves us in many diverse activities, as fits local needs including youth work, teaching, medical work, music and the arts, Bible translation and literacy, work with addicts and children in crisis, business skills and helping local Christians share the gospel cross-culturally. WEC is committed to finding new, creative and culturally relevant ways of doing mission.
Edina Elliott