Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing alumni, students, faculty and staff are consistently extending the Moffett legacy through their contributions to the profession and their communities. See below for some of their latest accomplishments.
Shelley Austin, DNP ‘15, has been appointed department chair of nursing at Henderson State University.
Lynn Brown, DNP ’15, successfully passed the Certified Nurse Educator exam.
Lauren Campbell, DNP ’15, was elected chair/president-elect of the Florida Council of Nursing Education Administrators.
Marcus M. Gaut, DNP ’15, accepted an appointment to a tenure-track faculty position within the Department of Systems Leadership and Health Outcomes in the College of Nursing at The University of Southern Mississippi.
Marcus M. Gaut, DNP ’15, will present, "A Health Promotion Faith-Based Hypertension Initiative among African American Men" at the 5th Biennial Innovations in Faith-Based Nursing Conference in Marion, IN.
Marcus M. Gaut, DNP ’15, presented “Tree of Life Model of Faith-Based Living” at the Interdisciplinary Faith and Health Outcomes Forum at Dillard University, New Orleans, LA in March 2016.
Lindsey Harris, BSN ’06, was selected for the Alabama State Nurses Association’s 2015 Lillian Harvey Holland Award.
Rebecca Peinhardt, DNP ’09, was selected as a National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation on-site evaluator.
Chris Walker, BSN ’12, MSN ’14, was selected for the ER/Trauma Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
Bryan Gourley, family nurse practitioner student, was selected for the Nurse Practitioners of Idaho Dixie Noh Scholarship.
Aaron Smith, nurse anesthesia student, participated in the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists’ mentoring program during the Mid-Year Assembly in Washington D.C. Heather Rankin, MSN ’05, served as his mentor in advocating for the nurse anesthesia profession.
Lisa Allison Herbinger presented Intraoperative Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Measurements in Children to the Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice (ICEBNP) conference and networking event. This was a combined poster and podium presentation with the Purdue University Calumet’s College of Nursing hosting. The Purdue Nursing’s ICEBNP is one of 70 international collaborating centers for the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) which focuses on translational and implementation science to promote evidence based practice. The JBI is based at the University of Adelaide, South Australia.
Amber Patrick successfully defended her dissertation “Faculty to Faculty Workplace Bullying Across Disciplines in Higher Education: Effects on Organizational Trust and Commitment” for the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Education and Administration from William Carey University.
Jill Pence successfully defended her dissertation “Using Computer Adaptive Quizzing as a Tool for NCLEX Success” for the Doctor of Educational Leadership in Nursing Education degree from the University of Alabama.
Becky Warr presented “Pain Assessment and Interventions in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults” at the Alabama Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association Conference.
Julie Zaharis was named YMCA Adult Volunteer of the Year: Camp Cosby 2015.