In April, Samford University Brock School of Business hosted several awards ceremonies recognizing the hard work of its students.
During the 60th annual Scholarships and Awards Ceremony held on Friday, April 12, more than $230,000 in scholarships were awarded to deserving business students to apply to tuition for the 2024-25 academic year. Four faculty members were also recognized for excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, and service.
Accounting major Molly Billingsley was awarded the Junior Outstanding Academic Achievement Award and Lizzie Pike, a rising senior marketing major, received the Dr. Betsy Bugg Holloway Scholarship recognizing the highest cumulative business school GPA.
Additionally, several of Brock School of Business’s newest scholarships were awarded, including the Vulcan Materials Company/Bennie Bumpers Scholarship. This new endowed scholarship, which supports students who are preparing for careers in the risk management and insurance industry, was presented by Paul Carter, vice president of Risk Management for Vulcan Materials, to finance major Elliott Wessels and Brock Scholar Sloane Womac.
On the evening of April 12, new members were inducted into several business honor societies including Beta Gamma Sigma, Gamma Iota Sigma, Omicron Delta Epsilon and the Financial Management Association.
And, on Tuesday, April 16, the accounting department and the Beta Alpha Psi accounting honorary society held its annual Scholarship and Awards Ceremony. During this event, more than $55,000 additional scholarships were awarded to undergraduate accounting and Master of Accountancy students.
George Jenkins Business Scholarship
Grace Gilbert
Mary Claire Griner
Phoebe Huntington
Charlie Mathews
Will Miller
Luke Shoemaker
Paige Stafford
Payton Stafford
Drew Wallace
Noah Whipple
323 Leadership Scholarship (Colossians 3:23)
Elana Galambus
Alan and Linda Speaker Organizational Leadership Scholarship
Whitney Bean
Alton P. Barr Scholarship
Coby Coggin
Davis Garrett
Davis Mobley
Kassidy Scott
Walker Smith
Ben M. Elrod Scholarship
Hanna White
Branan Family Scholarship
Melania Fierz
Bennett Wagley
Bridget and Andrew Patterson Scholarship
Lucas Thornton
Brookwood Baptist Church / W.S. and Ruth Rivers Family Scholarship
Andrew Myers
Kay Sims Dixon Scholarship
Andrew Myers
Carolyn Mickler Murdock Scholarship
Carleigh Czajkowski
Chuck and Pam Carson Scholarship for Entrepreneurs
Claire Alford
David Oakley Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
Claire Alford
Lillian Chandler Memorial Scholarship
Claire Alford
Danny Wood Scholarship in Social Entrepreneurship
Christianna Hornigold
Edwin L. Trowbridge Scholarship
Christianna Hornigold
Walter M. Graham Sr. Scholarship
Joe Don Anderson
Dorothy McLeod Memorial Scholarship
Joe Don Anderson
Dean J. Howard Finch Scholarship
Campbell Richey
Aidan Reyes
Dr. Betsy Bugg Holloway Scholarship
Lizzie Pike
Fred Hendon Scholarship
Stephen Edds
Freeman Family Scholarship
Alora Scholes
Thomas P. Williams Scholarship
Alora Scholes
Hovater Family Scholarship
Carson McCoy
Blackerby Family Scholarship
Shealy George
Hoffman C. & Martha H. Harless Scholarship
Shealy George
Justin Kyle Lett Memorial Scholarship
Shealy George
John Gary Wyatt Leadership in Business Scholarship
Sarah Childress
Joseph Oral Dean & Willard McCay Dean Memorial Scholarship
Matt Wyatt
Raymond Earl Box Memorial Scholarship
Matt Wyatt
Kelly Academic Excellence Scholarship
Kassidy Scott
King & Mausz Scholarship
Trey Woolley
Mickey Newsome Scholarship in Business
Ashley Allen
Christian Haworth
Mary Alice Roe
Ian Viner
Pete Petro Scholarship
Payton Stafford
President and Mrs. Beck A. Taylor Scholarship
Raegan Jenkins
Emory and Brennis Floyd Scholarship
Raegan Jenkins
Reidinger-Smith Scholarship
Jacaila Davis
Richard D. Horsley Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship
Madeline May
Joshua Sprinkle
Robert and Camelia Holmes Scholarship
Lynzie Liddell
Timothy Willis Memorial Scholarship
Lynzie Liddell
Scroggins Family Scholarship in Marketing
Mallory Matthews
Taylor M. Harsh Internship Award
Mallory Matthews
Taylor Family Scholarship
Emily Mills
The Chick-fil-A Midtown Plaza Scholarship
Nic Ferrer
Thomas D. Russell Scholarship
Julia Claire Armstrong
Drew Castleberry
Christianna Hornigold
Caleb Sprinkle
Avery White Memorial Scholarship
Caleb Sprinkle
Malcolm & Betty Miller Scholarship in Risk Management and Insurance
Sloane Womac
RIMS Alabama Chapter Scholarship
Sloane Womac
Vulcan Materials Co/Bennie Bumpers Scholarship
Elliott Wessels
Sloane Womac
William D. Geer Scholarship
Alex Dickey
Julianna Argentine
Marlene Mints Reed Scholarship
Julianna Argentine
William Hester Manly Memorial Scholarship
Davis Garrett
William J. (Bill) Stevens Scholarship
Haylee Davis
Charlie Mathews
Addison McMillen
Cross Power
Mary Ann Hocutt Memorial Scholarship
Cross Power
Mall Family Risk Management & Insurance Scholarship
Jake Wilson
CRC Group Scholarship
Jake Wilson
Natalie Talbert
John Meadows
Andrew Morgan
Leaders of Integrity (Proverbs 20:7) Scholarship
Andrew Morgan
Carl E. Miller Jr. Business and Athletics Scholarship
Kedzie Howe
Trey Newsome
Outstanding Junior Award in Business
Molly Billingsley
Cook's Pest Control/John Cook Sr. Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
Ben Kiblinger
Thomas McClurg Acheson Memorial Scholarship
L.E. Acuff
Bonnie Elliott Risk Management and Insurance Scholarship
Elliott Wessels
Merrill Henry Cook Risk Management and Insurance Scholarship
Elliott Wessels
O’Neal Industries Risk Management & Insurance Scholarship
Elliott Wessels
Randall J. Freeman Scholarship
Elliott Wessels
Chris Morgan Graduate Scholarship
Mary Katherine Cleveland
Mac McEwen Scholarship
Jason Bates
Motion/Dr. Archie Lockamy Scholarship
Kyla Reynolds
Professor Frank C. Minter Scholarship
Zachary Moreland
Russell H. Stanley Scholarship
Megan Winkler
Samford MBA Alumni Scholarship
Riley Fraser
Teri and Joe Syslo Scholarship
Hunter Adams
Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants Award
Cameron Grogan
The Institute of Management Accountants Scholarship
Raneem Batarseh
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Scholarship
Lily Springer
BMSS Scholarship
Charles Elic Gum
Carr Riggs & Ingram Scholarship
Carson McCoy
Crowe Scholarship
Charles Elic Gum
Deloitte Scholarship
Taijah Clark
Dent Moses Scholarship
Madeline May
EY Scholarship
Molly Billingsley
KPMG Scholarship
Kedzie Howe
Pearce Bevill Leesburg Moore Scholarship
Alex Dickey
PwC Scholarship
Analisa Jo Burns
RSM Scholarship
Payton Ahlemeyer
Warren Averett Scholarship
Andrew Herlevic
The Schultz Family Scholarship
Payton Ahlemeyer
Raneem Batarseh
Ethan Baxter
Molly Billingsley
Analisa Jo Burns
Andrew Current
Charles Elic Gum
Carey Hereford
John Mark McDaniel
Andrew Morgan
Jackson Murphree
Andrew Myers
Sam Owen
Will Perry
Timothy Walker Smith
Caleb Sprinkle
Everett Lemeron Scholarship
Carey Hereford
Loren F. Fitch Scholarship
Andrew Current
H. Dale Splawn Scholarship
Joshua Sprinkle
Dr. Kay Guess Scholarship
Payton Ahlemeyer
Dr. Lowell Broom/ASCPA Scholarship
Molly Billingsley