Making small recurring gifts as a team will make significant differences.  For instance, a group of five making monthly gifts of $83 or a group of 10 committing to $50 a month for five years will fund the remodel of a bedroom.  This represents individual donation amounts of $5,000 and $3,000 respectively with a team impact of $25,000 and $30,000.

Room Availability & Pricing
Room Name Price Status
Naming of the London Study Center 1,000,000 Available
Faculty Bedroom Ground Floor 50,000 Available
Faculty Office Ground Floor 50,000 Booked
Dorm 10 25,000 Booked
Dorm 12 25,000 Booked
Dorm 11 25,000 Booked
Faculty Apartment Bedroom Basement 50,000 Available
Dorm 21 (Formerly room #11) 25,000 Available
Dorm 22 (Formerly rooms #12 & #14) 35,000 Available
Dorm 23 35,000 Booked
Dorm 24 15,000 Booked
Dorm 31 (Formerly Rooms #17, #18, & #19) 35,000 Reserved
Dorm 32 (Formerly rooms #20 & #21) 35,000 Available
Dorm 41 (Formerly room #22) 25,000 Available
Dorm 42 (Formerly rooms #23 & #24) 35,000 Available
Dorm 43 (Formerly room #25) 35,000 Available
Dorm 44 (Formerly room #26) 25,000 Available
Parlor 200,000 Booked
Bistro/Dining Room 100,000 Available
Kitchen 100,000 Available
Laundry 35,000 Available
Patio 25,000 Booked
Faculty Apartment Lounge 100,000 Available

Reserved – a cohort or group of classmates is working with University Advancement to name this room.
Booked – this room has received funding for naming