Becky Caron ’05 has charted an exceptional career path as a flight nurse and base chief for LifeMed Alaska at Dutch Harbor on Amaknak Island in Alaska. With nearly 14 years of experience in emergency nursing, Caron's commitment to live and work in remote Alaska illustrates the profound impact of her education.
Caron credits Samford’s Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing for instilling essential skills for her current role. Guided by mentors like professor Cindy Berry, she gained insights into emergency nursing and leadership, laying a robust foundation for her career. “Samford instilled in me the importance of critical thinking and adaptability,” she said.
In her current capacity, Caron confronts the unique challenges of Alaska’s terrain. Situated 800 miles from the nearest hospital, flights can be up to five hours away from some remote
islands. Her team navigates weather from -32 to 32 degrees in the same day to serve as a vital link for isolated communities. “We regularly get winds as strong as category one hurricanes and deal with volcanic eruptions causing us to get stuck on an island for days at a time,” Caron said.
“Since we have very strong connections to the communities, if we cannot fly a patient off the island, we will help the clinic on the island with critical care until we can leave,” she said.
Caron’s experiences highlight the multifaceted nature of her role. Collaborating closely with local clinics and emergency services, she recounts a recent case where swift action led to the successful evacuation of a patient experiencing a massive heart attack.
“The island has limited resources, but together with a clinic, fire department and our medevac team, we were able to resuscitate and transport the patient to Anchorage,” Caron said.
In Alaska, where access to medical care is limited, aeromedical services like LifeMed Alaska play a pivotal role in health care. Caron encourages aspiring flight nurses to gain diverse critical care experience and remain committed to continuous learning.
Caron’s trajectory from Samford to the Alaskan skies serves as a testament to the transformative power of mentorship, experience and unwavering dedication to her community.
This story was first published in the summer 2024 issue of Seasons magazine.