Kelia Furr, Association Director for Parents Programs, received this unsolicited endorsement last month from the parents of one of our new undergraduates: 


"Our daughter has had an incredible experience at Samford. Although she is only in her first semester, her time at Samford has been transformational. If I had to describe what a student experiences at Samford in two words they would be nourish and flourish. From what I have seen, the entire Samford community . . . makes it their singular goal to nourish the potential in students. In every area of student life, whether it be academics, athletics, social life, spiritual life or being a part of the larger community outside of Samford, students at Samford are given the opportunity to reach their potential and are encouraged or challenged to do so. The nourishing atmosphere within the Samford community gives students what they need to flourish. I have been thrilled to see our daughter be challenged to make a difference at Samford and see her take advantage of the opportunities available and become a better person than she was a short time ago when we entrusted her to Samford. That is really all that a parent can ask of a university. We are honored to be a small part of the Samford family and will forever be in Samford's debt for what you have done and will do in our daughter's life. Thank you." 


The world is better because of Samford's "nourish and flourish" environment. 



Samford is a leading Christian university offering undergraduate programs grounded in the liberal arts with an array of nationally recognized graduate and professional schools. Founded in 1841, Samford is the 87th-oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Samford enrolls 6,101 students from 45 states, Puerto Rico and 16 countries in its 10 academic schools: arts, arts and sciences, business, divinity, education, health professions, law, nursing, pharmacy and public health. Samford fields 17 athletic teams that compete in the tradition-rich Southern Conference and ranks 6th nationally for its Graduation Success Rate among all NCAA Division I schools.