Sam Gould
Samford University
Standing: Senior
Major: History
Minor: Philosophy
Hometown: Durham, NC
Sam has excelled in all facets of his Samford experience. Beyond his studies in History, Philosophy, and the University Fellows program, Sam has pledged the majority of his time to his fraternity Alpha Tau Omega, serving as its President, Secretary, and Step Sing Director. Sam has also served Samford University as a tour guide and an Officer on the Samford Recruitment Team. His love of learning, engaging with people, and solving problems has led him to be involved in the academic programs Howard Scholars and Stockham Scholars, and earned him membership into the honorary societies Phi Alpha Theta and Omicron Delta Kappa. While Sam still remains unsure of what his future holds, he hopes to pursue a graduate-level degree in one or multiple topics and continue to pour into his community.