Published on March 30, 2020 by Steven Potaczek, Assistant Professor of Commercial Music and Director of Commercial Music Program, School of the Arts, Division of Music  

One of my courses relies heavily on viewing and listening to high quality multimedia, and having meaningful dialogue surrounding what we just experienced. This is just not feasible given the unknowns of my students' network connections. While I had initially tried to use Canvas, Zoom, and WebEx to facilitate these discussions, it was just cumbersome and not efficient. What to do?

Enter FlipGrid. FlipGrid allows me to post a file, or even create a video from my laptop detailing instructions, and then allows students to upload a 2-3-minute video response to the topic. Everyone in the class can see one another's videos and can even respond to them via video. For students with only an iPad or mobile device, it makes conversations much easier than trying to do something synchronous via traditional tools. If dialogue is an integral part of your classroom activities, be sure to take a look at FlipGrid, and see what it can do for you.

FlipGrid Example Screen